Friday, 31 August 2012

Syawal has come. :)

Assalamulaikum wbt

Waaahhh, it has been a while. Macam tu lah. Kejap ade, kejap xde. macam chipsmore. hehe.

This year's Syawal is the most memorable of them all. A lot of thing happened lately. And for me, all of these happened in accordance to Allah's will. I am grateful. Not even a single regret is allowed. :')

We celebrated Syawal here in peninsular. We had no rezki to go back to mom's hometown; Kampung Bungin, Betong, Sarawak. Despite of that, well, I got the chance to celebrate with my fellow ex-school mates. Now that i think about it, I'd never had the chance to celebrate raya with'em. So, I guess it was still a blessing. ^__^

Ramai sahabat handai dan saudara berkunjung ke rumah. Yup, Syawal ini kami di sini. Mungkin mereka mengambil kesempatan untuk menziarahi kami yang selalu ketiadaan semasa Syawal2 yang lepas. hehe. Abah dan Mak lalu bersetuju untuk mengadakan rumah terbuka pada hari raya ke-6.

Boy, it was an hectic day. Imagine, there were a lot of friends, relatives. It was quite handful to topup food and beverages. Alhamdulillah, my uncle's family came and helped us that day. And, of course, it was fun. :)

Look at those exhausted faces. Hahaha

Excuse me for the 'so-not raya outfit'. It was after maghrib prayer, and i had to change clothes. hehe.

I guess that's all for now. hehe.

Salam Syawal and Selamat Hari Merdeka 55!


  1. Salam kemerdekaan...

    bleh tgk disini

  2. salam kemerdekaan dan salam syawal... :D

  3. wah, nana-chan wat open house eh? msti meriah kn? hehe...

    missed u a lot, tomodachi.. ^_^

  4. salam aidilfitri dan salam kemerdekaan...

  5. @profmie

    selamat2. hehe. oke thanks for de link :D

    @masz sidek

    for you too. thanks. :)

    @nisa chan

    aah, penat oh. i miss you too nisa.

    @faizul osman

    thanks. will be visiting soon. :)


Assalamualaikum wbt.

Ke hadapan yang menulis komen,

Anda seorang yang comel.

Sekian, terima kasih. :)